A classical education seeks to form the heart and mind, reason and will, desire and knowledge. In short, a classical education forms the whole person in light of truth, beauty and goodness. From a Montessori-like preschool including Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in early years to Socratic Seminar in middle school, students learn to experience learning in a way that stretches their minds and their hearts.
We would love to introduce you to our St. Max family and provide a tour. Students are also welcome to shadow the school with advance notice/planning. We are also happy to introduce you to a family who can share their own experience and act as a “buddy” to help you navigate the first year of school. Reach out for more information: [email protected].
School is in session each day from 8:15am to 2:30pm. Arrivals may begin no earlier than 7:50am (unless you are part of the extended day program). Please note, we are currently gathering family feedback and may adjust our K-8 school hours for the 2025/26 school year.
We offer both before and after school care for preschool through 8th grade. Hours are 7:00-8:00am in the morning and 2:30-5:30pm in the evening. The cost is $6 per hour for K-8 and $7 per hour for preschool.
There is a school uniform for K-8th grade. There is no uniform for preschool. The complete dress code policy can be found here. You can purchase uniform shirts, pants, shorts, jumpers, and sweatshirts at Educational Outfitters in St. Louis Park. Gently used uniforms are available through our uniform exchange.
Delano school district provides bussing within the district boundaries. If you live in a different school district, a transportation reimbursement may be available (amount varies by district).
Our food services manager, Mrs. Morris serves our students with love each day. A cold breakfast and hot lunch are offered daily (meatless on Friday) at no cost. Your child is welcome to bring a cold lunch if they prefer. Keeping with our Catholic culture, we pray the Angelus together at noon and celebrate feast days and birthdays. Milk is available for purchase at the time of lunch and will be charged to the student's family online account.
Through our partnership with Delano Public School, all St. Max Kolbe students are eligible to participate in all sporting activities regardless of the district you live in.
Yes! Our school year is full of many fun and varied activities. For example, all students learn to roller skate and spend time during PE practicing in our gym; 5th graders have an all-day ski field trip with lessons; 6th graders attend an overnight Catholic ecology field trip -- to name just a few fun St. Max traditions. K-8th graders have a minimum of two field trips each year. Many opportunities for spiritual formation (monthly Adoration, weekly Mass, daily prayer, retreats, rosary pilgrimage) and service opportunities are also available throughout the school year. The after-school activities are always evolving based on student interests. We currently offer a student Choir, LEGO league and Math Club.
Yes! We welcome and encourage volunteers. We have numerous volunteer opportunities available. Archdiocesan policy requires background checks, VIRTUS training, and a signed Archdiocesan Volunteer Code of Conduct for all volunteers at St. Max Kolbe Academy.
Yes! Parents and guests are not only welcome but encouraged to attend daily liturgy of the hours at the Church or attend the weekly all-school Mass held each Friday morning at 8:30am. A parent rosary for the school is also offered each Monday morning.
All school doors are locked throughout the school day. All visitors to the school will need to be buzzed in and are required to sign in at the office. The school practices fire drills, tornado drills and lock downs per district requirements.