FAMILY HOLY HOUR First Sunday of each month Beginning February 2nd 4:00-5:00pm Adoration Chapel, SJ Campus Bring your family to spend time with Jesus. Come for a little bit or the whole hour! Don't worry about the littles making noise, Jesus said "Let the little children come to me"! Adoration resources for parents and kids will be available at the Adoration Chapel. Help us pray for all the school students, parents, teachers, and staff. No need to sign up, just come if you can!
90-DAY ROSARY NOVENA January 27th - April 27th Sign up to pray a rosary for the school sometime over the next 90 days, ending on Divine Mercy Sunday. We would love to have school families & students, parishioners, relatives, school administration, and volunteers sign up to take a day (or more!). sign up here: 90-Day Rosary Novena
PARENTS ROSARY GROUP Mondays when school is in session 8:20am - 8:45am Holy Family Cry Room - St. Peter Church (enter through door 12) Join us to pray a rosary for St. Maximilian Kolbe Academy each Monday morning when school is in session. Young children are welcome and encouraged! If you don't know how to pray the rosary, no problem, we will teach you and we have extra rosaries available. If you have any questions about St. Maximilian Kolbe Academy's Prayer Campaign, please contact Marie Bauman 651-353-8699.